The influence of “fake news” on the 2016 U.S. presidential election received no shortage of media coverage. But what do we really know about those who created the digital propaganda that clogged our feeds? Who are they? What motivated them? What are their stories? You’ve never seen fake news like this.

ROAR Projects

Take a look at some previous examples of ROAR Studios’ projects.

The Los Angeles Loyolan and ROAR Studios proudly present “Generations of Activism” -- a three-part documentary series on student activism and social justice at Loyola Marymount University as experienced by three generations: Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennials.

The Los Angeles Rams are coming to Inglewood, and the city is in for a big change. This original documentary features members of the community as they examine whether their city will change for better or for worse. One question still stands: how can a team change a city? ROAR Studios finds out in this original documentary.